Mac external hard drive partition not showing up
Mac external hard drive partition not showing up

Sometimes, restarting your Mac gives a kick-start to the operating system and removes errors.

  • Temporary issues with your Mac: In many cases, macOS starts to experience some temporary problems if the Mac has not been restarted for a long time.
  • If you think the cable is completely fine, you may need to try another cable because there is the possibility of internal damage that might be invisible to you.
  • USB or HDMI cable can be the culprit: If the cable is damaged from somewhere will break the connection.
  • There are possibilities of a corrupted or broken hard drive causing the issue.
  • Ensure the hard drive is connected, and check if the USB port works faultlessly.
  • Drive isn't connected properly: If your external device is not accurately connected, the Mac will not recognize your external device.
  • This section will help you understand the most common reasons why users face this issue. The reasons for the unrecognized external drive can be different in different situations.

    mac external hard drive partition not showing up

    Reasons for External Hard Drive Not Showing Up on Mac In addition, we will provide you a bonus tip to recover your data if your drive is corrupted or you accidentally lose your precious data. We will walk you through the reasons and fixes in detail.

    mac external hard drive partition not showing up

    This guide covers all the troubleshooting tips to teach you. Many people reported the same issue by saying that their Mac cannot recognize the external hard drive, including Seagate external hard drive not showing up. If you got a problem with the external hard drive not showing up on Mac, you might have struggled to fix it. To solve external hard drive not showing up on Mac, you can still reformat the disk, reset NVRAM. Press the Command key + Space bar to bring up the Spotlight Search menu. You can edit the Finder preference to show external drives on the desktop if it's not showing. Rebooting Mac is one of the simplest methods to fix minor data damages and show the Hard disk in Mac.

    Mac external hard drive partition not showing up